Brighton Singing Lessons was set up in 2007!
You can now have lessons
Online with Chip Jenkins
at the studio set up in Norway
Hello! I'm Chip Jenkins from Kemptown in Brighton, UK.
I teach Singing Lessons online from my studio in Norway!
Click here for map and to read google reviews!
Since 1999, I started teaching at the Academy of Contemporary Music in the UK (One of Europe's leading Contemporary Specialist Music Schools).
In the UK, I was teaching at Degree level, and Higher Diploma (age 16 +).
I develop singers confidence, through quality vocal technique with anatomical knowledge, helping singers to clarify their career goals.
In the UK, I have worked at Metropolis Studios in London, the London Branch of the British Institute of Modern Music and the University of Chichester. You can see my professional profile on LinkedIn and other social media profiles above.
I set up Brighton Singing lessons in the UK in 2007 in the UK.
I can help you with your vocal technique, recording, songwriting, singing career goals, auditions, performance, and confidence. I have also helped people with vocal technique problems referred from the Royal Sussex County Hospital in the UK.